Norfolk Diaries - Part 1

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Slow you down
— Wiveton road sign

And, as instructed, we did. Although I’m not sure we really had any choice, they do things at their own pace in these parts. That coupled with Corona Virus restrictions lead to a different kind of Autumn break. Less spontaneity you could say but equally we lingered longer in places we perhaps might otherwise have missed.

We arrived in the late afternoon under a leaden sky. No time to dally, we head towards the windmill opposite. Trot along the flood defences, we marvel at the light. The wind rushes in across the flat lands straight from the sea. The light goes from 40 to 100 watts every few minutes, the weather gods are playing with the light switches. We pass Wiveton Hall during a full spotlight rehearsal. Oh and I fall in love with a pink gable end the colour of germolene.

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I love coming here, it is so unique, so utterly different to Sussex. Wide skies, fenland, cottages, beaches….more on that coming soon!

Autumn, Travels, PostcardsSarah Prall